Monday, May 21, 2007

The Beginning of the End...The End of a Beginning

At one point I stopped and listened
To the hungry beating of my heart the
Eratic moment when I stood in a place and committed
My mind to attianing my goal
The limit written in the illustrious DNA that you gave me
To bear fruit of a mind robbed of a future
But when I experienced that moment
And actually listened to the stillness
Heard the words of long forgotten blood lines
Women under the sun who wore thier skin colors proud
Yet hung to the slavery that being human creates
Taking moments in time they prayed for opportunities
The way I cried for the beginning to become my end
And end all beginnings
At that point when the silence called me to bow my head
In reverence to the ancestrial tree
That delivers within
All these elements combined cause me to pause and realize
I have only ended my beginning and begun to live the end
This is it
This moment of reverence and stillness
This hallow, shallow existence that was created
When my spirit chose to reincarnate itself
Into this tomb called life
This is the moment that will change all moments
The bridge now crossed, I glance back and wonder
How could I have ever doubted
That the end of my beginning would ever come?

1 comment:

? said...

I'm certainly walking the tight rope here

Am no poet but this is fair and balanced, I love it

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